Jumat, 18 April 2014

Perumahan Mewah Terpuruk, Properti RI Cari Keseimbangan Baru

Perumahan Mewah Terpuruk, Properti RI Cari Keseimbangan Baru

Pasar perumahan rata-rata menurun hingga 49 persen.

Rabu, 16 April 2014, 23:15Siti Nuraisyah Dewi, Antique
Pekerja menyelesaikan proses pembangunan rumah di Cibubur, Bogor.
Pekerja menyelesaikan proses pembangunan rumah di Cibubur, Bogor. (VIVAnews/Muhamad Solihin)(VIVAnews/Muhamad Solihin)
VIVAnews - Setelah mengalami masa keemasan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kini pasar properti mewah mulai meredup. Pada 2011, riset Knight Frank Prime Golbal Cities Index, menyebutkan Jakarta mampu mencetak kenaikan harga sebesar 14,3 persen (year on year) dengan peringkat ketiga tertinggi dunia.

Selain itu, Jakarta tercatat mengalami pertumbuhan tertinggi sepanjang tahun itu. Pertumbuhan ekonomi domestik dan derasnya investasi asing mendorong permintaan dan investasi di ibu kota Indonesia ini.

Namun, berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan Indonesia Property Watch (IPW), saat ini terjadi pergeseran pasar, khususnya dari segmen menengah atas ke menengah.

Dikutip dari keterangan tertulisnya Rabu 16 April 2014, Direktur Eksekutif IPW, Ali Tranghanda, mengatakan, berdasarkan komposisi penjualan yang ada, diperkirakan terjadi pergeseran pasar menengah atas yang terjadi pada kuartal I-2014 ke segmen menengah.

Dibandingkan akhir tahun lalu, pasar segmen menengah atas relatif berkisar 30 persen dari total nilai transaksi, tetapi menurun drastis pada awal 2014 menjadi 15 persen. Di sisi lain, segmen menengah terjadi peningkatan komposisi dari 30 persen menjadi 40 persen.

Penurunan tersebut, ungkap Ali, karena pasokan di lapangan juga menipis. Pengembang merasa harga tanah sudah terlalu tinggi, sehingga akan mendongkrak kenaikan harga properti kelas atas lebih tinggi lagi. Selain itu, pengembang dihadapkan permintaan properti mewah tahun ini memasuki masa kejenuhan.

Dia memperkirakan, tren tersebut akan berlanjut. "Sebagian besar pengembang menengah atas lebih tertarik untuk membangun hunian vertikal atau sektor komersial dengan nilai tanah yang sudah tinggi," ujar Ali.

Pertumbuhan melambat

Konsultan properti itu menyatakan, secara umum terjadi perlambatan di pasar perumahan yakni rata-rata menurun hingga 49 persen atau senilai Rp2,35 triliun dari nilai transaksi.
Siklus pasar yang terjadi merupakan pergerakan normal, setelah peningkatan pertumbuhan harga properti mencapai puncaknya pada semester II-2013.

Dia menjelaskan, berdasarkan pantauan yang ada, harga tanah di beberapa proyek perumahan mulai menurun. Meskipun terjadi perlambatan, bukan berarti harga tanah tidak naik, melainkan pertumbuhan yang relatif lebih rendah.

"Kenaikan harga tanah secara rata-rata diperkirakan antara 20-25 persen dan diprediksi terus melambat sampai satu atau dua tahun ke depan," ujarnya

Lalu, apakah kondisi properti di Indonesia berpotensi menimbulkan bubble(penggelembungan)? Ali menegaskan hal itu tidak akan terjadi. Menurut dia, pasar perumahan saat ini sedang mencari keseimbangan baru, sehingga secara umum penjualan menurun.

Terkait dengan Pemilu, Ali menambahkan, meskipun bukan faktor utama perlambatan pasar properti, tapi cukup membuat para pengembang melakukan strategi efisiensi. Sebab, situasi itu berbarengan dengan melambatnya pasar properti yang ada.

"Para pengembang memilih untuk tidak melakukan ekspansi lebih jauh sampai 2015," ujarnya.

Pelaksanaan Pemilu, lanjut Ali, merupakan situasi sementara yang memengaruhi pasar properti. Meskipun banyak pihak melihat potensi peningkatan setelah Pemilu, pasar properti membutuhkan waktu untuk mencapai keseimbangan baru, sehingga tidak serta merta langsung meningkat.

"Para pengembang memilih untuk tidak melakukan ekspansi lebih jauh sampai 2015," ujarnya.

Selain itu, Ali menjelaskan, Bank Indonesia diperkirakan masih melakukan tren kenaikan suku bunga acuan atau BI Rate, meskipun lebih berhati-hati sambil melihat respons pasar.
Kondisi ini juga memengaruhi penjualan pasar properti, tidak hanya di segmen atas melainkan menengah dan bawah yang sensitif terhadap peningkatan suku bunga.

"Para pengembang sebaiknya dapat mengantisipasi kondisi tren pasar yang ada, sambil melihat pergerakan pasar yang mulai bergeser ke segmen pasar menengah," tutur Ali.

Di segmen pasar bawah, pengembang masih terpatok harga standar untuk fasilitas rumah bersubsidi yang belum disesuaikan.

Ali memaparkan, banyak pengembang rumah murah yang melakukan strategi pembangunan dengan spesifikasi bangunan yang lebih rendah agar tetap dapat terjangkau oleh daya beli konsumen.

Sebagian lagi, imbuhnya, memilih untuk mencoba di segmen menengah dan meninggalkan program rumah bersubsidi dari pemerintah.

Dia menambahkan, pergeseran pasar ini disikapi oleh pengembang dengan mulai membuat tipe-tipe rumah di segmen menengah dengan resizing luas.

Properti Tiongkok mulai kolaps

Sementara itu, pasar properti Tiongkok tahun ini mulai kolaps. Konsultan properti internasional, Jones Lang LaSalle menuturkan, pada akhir tahun lalu tingkat hunian rata-rata gedung perkantoran grade A di Hangzhou hanya 30 persen.

Dilansir Forbes, Senin 14 April 2014, raksasa ritel dunia, Walmart juga mengumumkan akan menutup toko mereka di Hangzhou pada 23 April nanti.

Sara Hsu dari University of New York menuliskan pasar properti di Hangzhou terancam "berkembangnya unit apartemen baru yang kosong". Sektor properti di kota itu melemah, sedangkan pasokan unit apartemen baru terus diluncurkan ke pasar.

Namun, pasar properti Hangzhou belum sepenuhnya runtuh, masih ada pembelian di pasar sekunder. Media Singapura, Straits Times, melaporkan Allen Ahao, seorang pengusaha, akan menjual unit apartemen dengan dua kamar di Hangzhou seharga US$2 juta yuan.

Tetangganya, menjual unit serupa dengan harga US$1,7 juta yuan. "Harga jual yang saya tawarkan sama dengan saat membeli pada 2012. Saya menyesal tidak menjualnya sebelum berita buruk pasar properti Tiongkok memburuk," ujarnya.

Rumah baru juga mendapatkan tekanan harga. Beberapa pengembang di Hangzhou saat ini menawarkan diskon besar-besaran.

"Pemotongan harga properti hingga 30 persen di Hangzhou benar-benar mengubah cara orang Tiongkok berpikir tentang real estate," ujar Anne Stevenson, analis Yang J Capital Research.

Pasar real estate di Hangzhou seperti sedang berbelok. Tiongkok Central Television menjelaskan, permasalahan properti di Hangzhou mulai terlihat sejak 18 Februari lalu. Kemudian, pengembangan North Sea Park mulai menawarkan diskon besar-besaran.

Beredar rumor, pengembang memiliki masalah kas internal, meskipun hal itu sudah dibantah oleh pengembang North Sea Park.

Beberapa pengembang lain juga menawarkan diskon atau insentif yang besar kepada pembeli. Sayangnya, taktik mereka tidak menarik minat pembeli untuk membeli unit yang ditawarkan. Pada saat itu, malah hampir tidak ada pembeli.

Saat ini, kelesuan pembelian properti telah menyebar ke seluruh Tiongkok. Sara Hsu mencatat pasar perumahan Tiongkok menjadi inelastis.

"Setelah konsumen berhenti membeli, diskon besar tidak akan efektif dalam menarik minat mereka. Orang-orang tidak membeli karena mereka yakin penurunan harga akan terus berlanjut," papar Sara Hsu.

Biro Statistik Nasional melaporkan harga rumah baru di Tiongkok masih naik. Tampaknya, statistik resmi itu tidak konsisten dengan kecenderungan yang terjadi di lapangan.

Pasar properti sekunder pada kuartal pertama tahun ini jatuh lebih dari setengah dibanding periode yang sama tahun lalu. Para pembeli spekulan lebih memilih meninggalkan pasar domestik atau telah menjual kepemilikan propertinya.

Orang-orang kaya Tiongkok saat ini lebih tertarik untuk membeli properti asing di negara lain. Sebagian besar kelas menengah Tiongkok keluar dari pasar properti dalam negeri mereka.

Penjualan properti Tiongkok pada kuartal pertama tahun ini merosot 49,1 persen dibanding kuartal sebelumnya, yakni dari 99,7 miliar yuan pada kuartal empat tahun lalu menjadi 50,7 miliar yuan. (art)

Senin, 14 April 2014

Honda Vezel akan Diperkenalkan 5 Bulan Lagi di Indonesia

Honda Vezel akan Diperkenalkan 5 Bulan Lagi di Indonesia
Honda Vezel akan Diperkenalkan 5 Bulan Lagi di Indonesia?

Indra Prabowo / 15 April 2014
JAKARTA (DP) – Jika Nissan Juke facelift dan Ford EcoSport bermesin EcoBoost dipamerkan di Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2014 (dimulai 18 September), maka Honda sepertinya tidak akan tinggal diam.

Kabar terakhir kami mendengar Honda Vezel akan dipamerkan di IIMS 2014. Namun juru bicara PT Honda Prospect Motor  Yosep Swasono Agus menampik berita tersebut.

“Kami memang akan memasarkan Honda Vezel pada 2015, namun saat ini kami tidak punya rencana untuk menampilkannya di IIM 2014,” aku Yosep.

Di samping itu kemungkinan besar Honda Vezel akan diproduksi di Karawang, mengingat Honda Jazz saat ini dan generasisberikutnya akan diproduksi di lokasi yang sama. Sementara Vezel dan Jazz satu platform.

“Kami sedang mempelajari untuk diproduksi di sini,” imbuhnya.

Penjualan Vezel di Jepang dimulai pada akhir 2013. Honda membenamkan mesin 1.5-liter DOHC i-VTEC dengan transmisi CVT. Hadir pula versi hybrid dengan mesin 1.5-liter DOHC i-VTEC plus transmisi kopling ganda (DCT) 7-speed.

Kalau Anda pilih New Juke atau EcoSport EcoBoost atau Vezel?  [dp/Ind]

New picture of supposed iPhone molds further indicates 4.7-inch screens incoming

moule-iphone-6 crop
Pictures of supposed iPhone 6 production tooling leaked out yesterday. However, the initial images of the molds were blurry and lacked context. A new picture from Nowhereelse.fr compare the molds directly to an iPhone 4s.
The new device is substantially larger than the 4s. Nowhereelse did some Photoshopping and overlaid an iPhone 5s onto the image proportionally to gauge how big the impression actually is. Using this method, the site guesses a screen size of approximately 4.7 inches — as has been rumored by many sources in the past
The writer notes that the dimensions line up with the size of the iPhone 5s  (quoted via Google Translate):
Coincidentally or not, if the boxes iPhone 6 will actually be manufactured using the mold and assuming that my calculations are correct, this model should measure approximately 138mm long by 64mm wide and be fitted with a screen of 4.7 inches.
Finally, I would just like to clarify that the bottom of the mold measuring around 123mm long and 58mm wide which curiously corresponds to the dimensions of the iPhone 5s (123.8mm 58.6mm on). Therefore remain cautious and keep in mind that it could actually be used in the production of boxes of this model …
Therefore, it is possible that this piece is used in the production of current iPhones. However, this contradicts previous reporting on the molds. Given the spate of larger-screened iPhone evidence recently, this cautious perspective seems unlikely but should not be disregarded.

PPnBM Mobil Mewah Mulai Naik 19 April 2014

Jakarta, KompasOtomotif — Setelah melalui serangkaian rencana, akhirnya Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menandatangani Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2014 pada 19 Maret 2014. Isinya berupa perubahan ketentuan tentang tarif Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah untuk kendaraan bermotor, yang sebelumnya diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 41 Tahun 2013 tentang Kelompok Barang Kena Pajak yang Tergolong Mewah Berupa Kendaraan Bermotor yang Dikenai Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM).

Dalam situs resmi Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia, PP baru itu menyebutkan, kelompok barang kena pajak yang tergolong mewah berupa kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai PPnBM dengan tarif sebesar 10 persen adalah:

A. Kendaraan bemotor untuk pengangkutan 10 (sepuluh) orang sampai dengan 15 (lima belas) orang termasuk pengemudi, dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel) untuk semua kapasitas silinder; dan

B. Kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 (sepuluh) orang termasuk pengemudi selain sedan atau station wagon, dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel) dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak 4x2, dengan kapasitas isi silinder sampai dengan 1.500 cc.

20 persen
Adapun kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah sebesar 20 persen adalah: 

A. Kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 (sepuluh) orang termasuk pengemudi selain sedan atau station wagon, dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel), dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak (4x2), dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 1.500 cc sampai dengan 2.500 cc; dan

B. Kendaraan bermotor dengan kabin ganda (double cabin) dalam bentuk kendaraan bak terbuka atau bak tertutup, dengan penumpang lebih dari 3 (tiga) orang termasuk pengemudi, dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel), dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak (4x2) atau dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4), untuk semua kapasitas isi silinder, dengan massa total tidak lebih dari 5 (lima) ton.

30 persen
Kelompok kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai PPnBM dengan tarif 30 persen adalah kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 orang termasuk pengemudi berupa: 

A. Kendaraan bermotor sedan atau station wagon dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel) dengan kapasitas isi silinder sampai 1.500 cc.

B. Kendaraan bermotor selain sedan atau station wagon dengan motor bakar cetus api atau nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel) dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4), dengan kapasitas isi silinder sampai 1.500 cc.

40 persen
Kelompok kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai PPnBM dengan tarif 40 persen adalah kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 orang termasuk pengemudi, berupa:

A. Kendaraan bermotor selain sedan atau station wagon dengan motor bakar cetus api, dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak (4x2) dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 2.500 cc sampai dengan 3.000 cc; 

B. Kendaraan bermotor dengan motor bakar cetus api, berupa: 1. Sedan atau station wagon; dan 2. selain sedan atau station wagon dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4), dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 1.500 cc sampai dengan 3.000 cc.

C. Kendaraan bermotor dengan motor bakar nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel), berupa: 

1. Sedan atau station wagon; dan 

2.  Selain sedan atau station wagon dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4) dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 1.500 cc sampai dengan 2.500 cc.

50 persen
Adapun kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah dengan tarif 50 persen adalah semua jenis kendaraan khusus yang dibuat untuk golf.

Kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah dengan tarif 60% (enam puluh persen) adalah:  a. Kendaraan bermotor beroda dua dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 250 cc sampai dengan 500 cc; dan b. Kendaraan khusus yang dibuat untuk perjalanan di atas salju, di pantai, di gunung, dan kendaraan semacam itu.

125 persen
Terakhir kendaraan bermotor yang dikenai Pajak Penjualas atas Barang mewah dengan tarif sebesar 125 persen adalah:

a. Kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 (sepuluh) orang termasuk pengemudi, dengan motor pencetus api, berupa: 1. Sedan atau station wagon; dan 2. Selain sedan atau station wagon dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak (4x2) atau dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4) dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 3.000 cc;

b. Kendaraan bermotor untuk pengangkutan kurang dari 10 (sepuluh) orang termasuk pengemudi, dengan motor bakar nyala kompresi (diesel atau semi diesel) berupa: 1. Sedan ataustation wagon; dan 2. Selain sedan atau station wagon dengan sistem 1 (satu) gardan penggerak (4x2) atau dengan sistem 2 (dua) gardan penggerak (4x4), dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 2.500 cc;

c. Kendaraan bermotor beroda 2 (dua) dengan kapasitas isi silinder lebih dari 500 cc; dan

d. Trailer, semi trailer dari tipe caravan, untuk perumahan atau kemah.

“Peraturan Pemerintah ini mulai berlaku setelah 30 (tiga puluh) hari terhitung sejak tanggal diundangkan,” bunyi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2014 yang diundangkan pada  19 Maret 2014 itu.

Editor : Aris F. Harvenda

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Completely redesigned iPhone 6 fully detailed in huge leak from insider

While some industry watchers issue Apple research covering things that never seem to materialize — like the “iRing” and “iTV,” for example — Ming-Chi Kuo has made a name for himself using a slightly different method: his predictions are almost always correct. As such, we should all pay attention when Kuo issues new research on Apple’s plans, and on Thursday morning he sent out a massive report covering what seems to be just about everything there is to know about the upcoming iPhone 6 and iPhone phablet.

In a note to investors sent Thursday that was picked up by MacRumors, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo passed along information gleaned from his always-reliable supply chain sources. In doing so, he may have taken all the mystery out of Apple’s upcoming next-generation iPhone launches later this year.

Beginning with the main flagship iPhone 6 model, Kuo reports that it will indeed feature a new 4.7-inch display panel. In an earlier note, the analyst said that the new Retina panel will sport a resolution of 1,334 x 750 pixels, which works out to a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch.

Kuo said that the iPhone 6 will feature a new Apple A8 processor along with 1GB of RAM. While rival Android devices move to 2GB or even 3GB of RAM in 2014, Apple is apparently content to stick with 1GB. The comparatively small amount of memory doesn’t seem to be causing any problems thus far.

The analyst also says Apple’s new iPhone will feature a big design overhaul that is much thinner, and the bezel on the sides of the display will be reduced by between 10% and 20% so that the phone can still be used comfortably with one hand despite the larger screen.

Interestingly, Kuo believes that Apple will add NFC chips to this year’s iPhone models.

The new iPhone phablet will feature a full HD 1,920 x 1,080-pixel display that measures 5.5 inches diagonally, according to Kuo. That works out to a pixel density of 401 ppi.

Apple’s first phablet will seemingly sport specs that are very similar to the smaller iPhone 6 model, including the A8 processor, NFC and Touch ID. The battery will be much larger, however, with Kuo suggesting that it will be between 50% and 70% bigger than the current iPhone 5s battery.

Kuo also says that the power/sleep/wake button on both new iPhone models will be moved from the top of the phone to the side, so it can be reached more easily on the larger phones. Many large Android phones have the power button situated on the side as well.

The analyst claims that Apple will switch from Gorilla Glass to sapphire crystal to cover the iPhone’s displays, but possibly only on the high-end models with 64GB of memory. This is due to supply constraints, Kuo said, though ultimately Apple will supposedly move all of its iPhone models to sapphire.

Part of the reason for the shift to sapphire, Kuo said, is that Touch ID may soon be embedded in iPhone display panels rather than home buttons, and sapphire is needed to ensure fingerprint reading accuracy.

According to the report, the iPhone 4s and iPhone 4 will be discontinued and the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c will occupy Apple’s two lower-end price slots. In the U.S., that would make the iPhone 5c free on contract while the iPhone 5s would likely retail for $99 on contract.

Kuo says that Apple’s new 4.7-inch iPhone 6 will launch late in the third quarter, and the iPhone phablet will launch late in the fourth quarter. His release timing aligns with a report from earlier this week.

iPhone 6 Rumors

Kamis, 10 April 2014


Apple TV Release Date
In a note to clients picked up by AppleInsider, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that the world shouldn’t hold its breath for an own-brand Apple television — often referred to as the “iTV” — in 2014. What we should expect, however, is a completely redesigned Apple TV box. According to Kuo, Apple’s new Apple TV will feature complex motion control technology that allows users to operate the device without the need for a physical remote. Apple recently acquired Kinect inventor PrimeSense for about $350 million, and it will likely make use of the firm’s technology in the new Apple TV model and elsewhere. Kuo was less clear on the new Apple TV’s software, noting that he isn’t sure if or how third-party app support will work or even if it will be included on this model. He was confident that Apple will open its set-top box to third-party developers at some point, however. Earlier rumors stated that the upcoming new Apple TV will indeed support third-party apps and video games. Kuo’s report claims that the all new Apple TV will launch sometime late in the third quarter or early in the fourth quarter this year.
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The iWatch is going to be very expensive, says KGI Securities analyst Ming Chi Kuo in a new note. Kuo predicts some models of the iWatch will cost over $US1,000 when it’s out in the third quarter. Kuo’s report was written up at MacRumors and Apple Insider. Here is MacRumors’ write-up of his note:
Kuo believes the iWatch will ship during the end of the third quarter, offering biometric functionality, integration with the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and a “fashionable appearance.” As has been previously suggested, he predicts the device will come in two sizes, with a 1.3-inch and 1.5-inch flexible AMOLED display. It will also include a sapphire cover lens, biometric recognition, an NFC chip, wireless charging, a 200 to 250 mAh battery, and a slim and light design. Kuo also believes that Apple will offer the iWatch at multiple price points, with the most expensive version costing upwards of $US1,000.

Next Apple iPad to have A8, TouchID claims KGI’s Ming-Chi Kuo
According to Kuo Apple’s 2014 iPad(s) will have Cupertino’s latest A8 SoC and TouchID. Kuo’s words are like any other analysts’ as they are based on what they hear from their well-placed sources within Apple and its supply chain; however, KGI’s analyst was spot on when it comes to TouchID on iPhone 5S’ home button and use of Sapphire glass. Kuo claims that this time around Apple will be releasing its iPad Air 2 a little early – sometime in the third quarter. The analyst is also placing the chips on TSMC produced A8 processor, Touch ID and a rear-facing 8-megapixel camera. Further, Apple will also be giving a refresh to its Apple iPad mini with Retina to include an A8 CPU and Touch ID. Kuo claims that the primary reason why Apple iPad Mini with Retina failed was the thicker form factor to make room for a higher-resolution display. “This change proved unpopular among consumers,” he wrote in a research note which was obtained by Apple Insider. “We think iPad mini with Retina display made the same mistake, explaining why it’s not selling as well as the previous generation of iPad mini.” There were reports earlier that Apple was working on releasing a 12.9-inch tablet that will cater to businesses as well as those in the entertainment industry; however, Kuo isn’t placing any bets on the release of such a tablet until next year.
Apples Roadmap For 2014, According To An Analyst

Given Apple’s secretive nature, we can only speculate and assume what Apple has planned for release this year, and the next, and so on. However according to KGI Securities analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, he has recently put together a slide showing what he expects Apple’s roadmap to be for 2014.
According to Kuo, he expects that towards the end of Q2 2014, Apple will introduce an upgrade to the iMac, possibly at low cost. During Q3, he expects that both the iPad Air and the iPad mini will be getting an upgrade which dispels rumors that Apple could be killing off the iPad mini.
During Q3 Kuo also expects that Apple will launch the rumored iWatch and that it could come in two sizes. One will be of the 1.3-inch display variety and the other of a 1.5-inch variety, and both will come with a flexible AMOLED display. Q3 is also when the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is expected to make its debut.
Come Q4, Kuo thinks that Apple will be announcing an upgrade to its Apple TV, which we guess is due for an upgrade. The rumored 12-inch MacBook is also expected to make its debut early Q4 along with MacBook Pro upgrades as well which is interesting as Apple typically makes computer-related announcements at WWDC. Last but not least is the 5.5-inch iPhone which he thinks could debut towards the end of the  year.
We should note that this isn’t the official roadmap and it is one put together by an analyst who thinks that this is what Apple has planned for the rest of the year. However Kuo has been pretty reliable in the past when it comes to providing insider knowledge regarding Apple’s products, so perhaps there might be some truth to his claims, but to be on the safe side, you might want to take it with a grain of salt for now.

Senin, 07 April 2014

Everything to know about iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 (Roundup + New Details)

Screen Shot 2014-04-04 at 1.33.33 PM
While Apple only officially announced its 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) last week, we have been reporting all of the known information about what Apple plans to unveil at the event over the course of the past few months. Now that WWDC is official, we have compiled a roundup of everything we know about Apple’s next-generation iOS device and Mac operating systems below, and we’ve also included some new tidbits not found in our earlier reporting. You can find out what there is to know so far about iOS 8 and OS X 10.10 below:

iOS 8 – Codenamed Okemo:

iOS 8 is the next version of Apple’s software for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and it is the first major successor to the significant redesign that was iOS 7. For iOS 8, Apple is retaining the same Jony Ive-designed aesthetic found in iOS 7 and is focusing on additions involving applications, services, and performance. iOS 8 will represent Apple moving into the fitness and health tracking world and it will mark a major milestone in Apple’s efforts to bring its mapping solution up-to-par with competitors from Google and Microsoft.
- Healthbook:
Healthbook Book
The most significant new application that Apple is currently planning to add in iOS 8 is codenamed Healthbook. Healthbook is an application that aggregates health and fitness data from various applications and hardware accessories. The application is akin to Passbook in terms of user-interface design, and users will be able to customize their Healthbook to give visual priority to health statistics that are most important to them. Healthbook is capable of tracking data for various bloodwork details, heart rate, blood pressure, nutrition, blood sugar, sleep, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, weight, and activity.
Healthbook Cards
The Activity section can track steps taken, calories burned, and miles walked. The Weight tab can track a person’s weight, BMI, and fat %. The current health accessory marketplace includes wireless weight scales, so it is likely that Healthbook will receive its data from those types of products. Both of those aforementioned tabs will have an interface with graphs and charts so that users could track their fitness progress over daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly views. Our earlier reporting on Healthbook goes into further detail about why the application is critical and how it could interact with future Apple wearable devices.
Healthbook Emergency
Another important element of Healthbook is the Emergency Card function. The Emergency Card is a single place for users to store information about themselves. The Emergency Card can keep a person’s name, photograph, birthdate, blood type, organ donor status, emergency contact information, weight, and a list of medication prescriptions. This Emergency Card function could save lives and provide emergency technicians, nurses, hospitals, and doctors with vital information about patients in emergency situations.
- Maps:
Maps Transit
For iOS 8, Apple is planning to overhaul its previously bug-riddled in-house mapping software. The updated application will retain the same user-interface introduced last year with iOS 7, but it will be updated with improved mapping data, better clarity, and important new features.
The updated app is said to include tweaked cartography, clearer labeling, and improved notating of bus stops, train stations, and airports. That is all in addition to upgraded data that is more reliable and more plentiful.
The improved data also makes way for a major new feature: public transit directions. Apple won’t be the first to this feature (Google has had it for several years), but the addition is a change in direction from when former iOS chief Scott Forstall said in 2012 that Apple would leave transit to third-party developers.
Thanks to several acquisitions of transit specialist companies, iOS 8′s Maps app will have transit functionality deeply embedded for several cities around the world. Transit will allow people to navigate using busses, trains, and subways, and it will also include improved navigating to nearby airports.
The transit feature will be integrated as both a new view (in addition to Standard, Hybrid, and Satellite), and it will also be a new option alongside walking and driving for directions. While transit will be integrated, Apple will still be able to point users to third-party transit apps like it has done since iOS 6′s launch. Transit directions will work for both future trip planning and for immediate navigation.
- iTunes Radio:
For iOS 8, Apple is considering breaking out the Music app’s iTunes Radio functionality into its own, standalone application. As a tab in the already-existing Music app, iTunes Radio has not received a promoted presence on iOS, and this likely has deterred growth for the service in terms of advertising revenue and usage.
As a standalone application, users will be able to more quickly access iTunes Radio. Psychologically for users, iTunes Radio will be its own app competing with the likes of the PandoraSpotify, and iHeartRadio apps found on the App Store. The benefit for Apple, however, is that iTunes Radio will be pre-installed. The interface for the standalone iTunes Radio application is said to be nearly identical to the one found inside of the iOS Music app and its Home screen icon is a terrestrial radio graphic atop a red background.
The functionality of iTunes Radio will also be akin to its iOS 7 Music app counterpart. Users will be able to browse their history, purchase streamed tracks, locate Featured Stations, create stations based on songs, artists, and albums, and manage stations. Apple previously considered releasing iTunes Radio as a standalone application in iOS 6, but due to problems with striking record label deals, the company ultimately pushed the launch back to iOS 7.
Apple has previously removed functionality from the standard iOS Music (formally called iPod) app and separated functionality into standalone apps. For example, Apple moved video playback for movies, TV shows, and music videos from the iPod app into a Videos app with iOS 5. With iOS 6, Apple began promoting Podcasts as its own App Store app and removed playback from the Music app. In early 2012, Apple re-located playback of iTunes University content to its own app.
The considerations also make sense in light of Apple recently adding more functionality to iTunes Radio, such as news from NPR.
- Voice over LTE:
<> on March 7, 2012 in San Francisco, California.
Another significant addition being considered for iOS 8 and the next-generation iPhone is voice-over-LTE support (VoLTE), according to carrier sources. Currently, when an LTE-capable iPhone needs to make a phone call, the actual call is placed over last generation networks such as 3G. With VoLTE, calls will be transmitted over the same type of network that LTE data is processed through, and this can allow for benefits such as improved call quality.
Of course, carrier support is needed for this functionality, and some countries around the world have carriers that have already rolled out support for VoLTE. For those in the United States, T-Mobile’s network (thanks to its agreement with Metro PCS) supports VoLTE while Verizon Wireless and AT&T are actively testing the functionality for a rollout later this year. Of course, it’s plausible that iOS 8 support for VoLTE will be pushed back if enough carriers are unable to meet the rollout timeframe.
- Messages:
Apple is said to be considering adding the ability for Messages threads in iOS 8 to automatically be deleted. The options for auto-deleting of threads on a user’s local device are said to be removal after a month or after a year. The functionality is being integrated in order for the iOS Device storage space to not be clogged up by old Messages threads, which is a common problem among iOS Device users with old backups or dated hardware. The auto-deletion will be optional, so users who never want their threads disappearing have nothing to worry about.
- Notifications:
Notification Center
Notification Center, the translucent drop-down menu for managing alerts may be simplified. In iOS 7, Notification Center includes a “Today” view, “All” Notifications view, and a “Missed” Notifications view. In iOS 8, Apple is considering reducing the panel to solely include the “Today” and “Notifications” views. The new “Notifications” view would combine all notifications with missed notifications, making the overall experience simpler. After acquiring the team behind the app Cue last year, Apple has likely been working on adding additional pertinent information to Notification Center, but it is uncertain if those enhancements will be ready this year for iOS 8.
- TextEdit and Preview:
Instead, the apps are built to serve as tools to view Preview and TextEdit files stored in iCloud by OS X. Apple added iCloud synchronization for Preview and TextEdit with OS X Mountain Lion, but has not yet released iOS counterparts to actually view the synchronized content.
The applications are said to still be early in development, but they are being considered for release later in the year. It is currently uncertain, but still possible, if the new pieces of software will be ready to ship with the upcoming iOS 8.
Instead of using fully functional Preview and TextEdit applications on iOS, users will be encouraged to use the PDF management and editing functionality in the free iBooks applicationfrom the App Store and manage other documents via the iWork suite’s word processing application Pages. The apps will also bring improved feature parity between the two Apple operating systems.
- Game Center:
Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 11.11.22 AM
Sources say that Apple is considering removing the Game Center application from iOS and OS X. Instead of having the (little-used) Game Center app, the functionality will solely be found inside in games that have integrated the social gaming service. Just last year, Apple completely redesigned the Game Center app for iOS 7 to remove the green felt and casino theme from the Scott Forstall era. Recently leaked screenshots did, however, show the Game Center icon.
- Voice Memos:
As part of the iOS 7 design revamp, the iPhone’s Voice Memos application was completely redesigned. Gone was the fake microphone graphic and added was an interactive waveform. Unfortunately, some users have complained that the redesigned Voice Memos app is difficult to navigate and that editing controls are unclear. With iOS 8, Apple will rectify this problem by improving button placement within the app.
- Performance:
While iOS 7.1 certainly sped up animations and other system functionality, Apple is testing versions of iOS 8 that go even further to improve speed across the operating system. Sources say that Apple is focusing on improving how long it takes photos to be taken with the next-generation iPhone’s hardware components in mind.
- CarPlay:
Screen Shot 2014-04-07 at 11.12.22 AM
While iOS 7’s version of CarPlay exclusively works over the Lightning cable, Apple is testing versions of iOS 8 that can conduct CarPlay (in certain vehicles) over WiFi. The lines up with Volvo saying that its CarPlay implementation will work wirelessly in the future. Of course, Apple has been testing WiFi CarPlay for sometime now with iOS 7, so perhaps the functionality will be pushed back once again. iOS 7.1 first unlocked CarPlay capabilities last month.
- Inter-app communication: Apple is said to be working on and testing functionality that would allow apps from the App Store to better communicate. This is known as an “XPC” service in the developer world. An API is being developed for apps to be able to share data. For example, a future photo editing application could have the ability to push the edited content for upload via the Instagram or Facebook apps. The debut of the API has been in development for the past couple of years, and it had been removed from the launch version of iOS 7 last year for unspecified reasons. With that in mind, it is plausible that Apple could, again, choose to hold back the functionality.

OS X 10.10 – Codenamed Syrah:

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OS X 10.10 will be the successor to the current OS X, 10.9 Mavericks. Mavericks focused on power-user features and under-the-hood enhancements to improve hardware performance, battery life, and graphics processing. 10.10, however, will focus on aesthetics. According to sources, Apple Senior VP of Design Jony Ive is leading a “significant” design overhaul for OS X, and the new design will be the operating system’s cornerstone new feature (none of the mockups online, like the one above, are a good indicator of what to expect).
The new design will not be as stark as iOS 7, but it will include many of the flat elements and white textures instead of re-creations of life-like elements. The end-to-end redesign is said to be a top priority at Apple right now, with the specific details about the changes being sworn to extreme secrecy. Apple has been testing new features such as Siri and support for iOS AirDrop compatibility, but it’s unconfirmed if those enhancements will be ready for 10.10. We’ll have more on what to expect from OS X 10.10 soon, so stay tuned.

Hardware Possibilities: 

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To go with the new operating systems, Apple is likely preparing a few new notable pieces of hardware. On the Mac side, Apple seems to be readying a revamped version of the MacBook Air with a ~12-inch Retina display and thinner/lighter chassis. Apple has announced major new Mac initiatives at WWDC the past couple of years, so perhaps Apple has this new MacBook Air up its sleeves for the 2014 conference. Apple is also working on some lower-cost iMacs and standard MacBook Air/Pro updates, but it’s unclear when those are set to debut.
On the iOS side, indications of new hardware are less clear. Apple is currently on an annual life-cycle for updating iOS Devices, so it is fair to assume that the unveilings of the next set of iPhones and iPads will not occur until the fall. With iOS 8′s headline feature being health and fitness tracking software, speculation has arisen that Apple could debut its own fitness/health tracking hardware (iWatch) alongside iOS 8. It’s unclear if Apple is planning to do so, but given the hiring over the past couple of years, anything is possible.


WWDC 2014 will be held between June 2nd and June 6th at the Moscone West center in San Francisco, California. The week long conference will include labs and special sessions for developers, but it will likely be kicked off on Monday, June 2nd with a keynote address to officially introduce the aforementioned details about iOS 8, OS X 10.10, and potentially new hardware. As the conference’s start approaches, new information will certainly come to light, and you can find the latest news about Apple’s plans at 9to5Mac. Also stay tuned for live coverage of WWDC and, like we compiled in 2012 and 2013, an updated roundup in the few days before the conference begins.

Read more at http://9to5mac.com/2014/04/07/everything-to-know-about-ios-8-and-os-x-10-10-roundup-new-details/#lgV8yPuYDO8ZSoRp.99

Rabu, 02 April 2014

10 Ribu Unit Honda Mobilio Terjual di Maret 2014

VIVAnews - Mobilio kembali menjadi produk Honda dengan penjualan tertinggi di Maret 2014, dengan penjualan sebesar 10.592 unit.

Penjualan model yang baru saja dinobatkan sebagai "Car of The Year 2014" oleh salah satu tabloid nasional ini meningkat sebesar 69 persen dari bulan sebelumnya yang tercatat sebesar 6.241 unit.

Hingga saat ini, Mobilio telah mencatat total penjualan sebesar 18.341 unit di seluruh Indonesia.
Angka penjualan Mobilio turut mendorong peningkatan penjualan Honda di bulan lalu sebanyak 21 persen dibanding bulan sebelumnya, yaitu dari 11.915 unit menjadi 14.529 unit mobil di seluruh Indonesia.

"Dalam waktu relatif singkat, Mobilio telah memantapkan posisinya sebagai mobil keluarga yang diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen di Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat dari sisi penjualan yang terus meningkat serta berbagai penghargaan yang diterimanya," kata Jonfis Fandy, Direktur Marketing dan Purna Jual Honda Prospect Motor dalam keterangan tertulis hari ini.

Selain Mobilio, produk-produk Honda lainnya diklaim mencatat penjualan cukup baik di bulan lalu. Dari segmen hatchback, Jazz menjadi penyumbang penjualan tertinggi kedua, meningkat menjadi 1.632 unit di Maret dari 1.122 unit pada Februari.

Angka itu menambah total penjualan Jazz di 2014 menjadi sebanyak 4.647 unit. Kemudian Freed juga disebutkan mengalami peningkatan penjualan dari 44 unit di Februari menjadi 518 unit di bulan berikutnya. Freed mencatat total penjualan sebesar 1.423 unit sepanjang tahun ini.

Adapun CR-V memberikan kontribusi penjualan sebesar 686 unit dan telah terjual sebanyak 2.545 unit sepanjang 2014. Disusul Brio terjual sebanyak 425 unit dengan total penjualan sebanyak 4.783 unit sepanjang tahun ini.

Untuk New Brio terjual sebanyak 266 unit, Odyssey 155 unit, Civic 101 unit, Accord 58 unit, dan CR-31 unit. (eh)

MARET 2014
MOBILIO 10.592 (6.241 02/2014)(TOTAL 18.341 2014 NAIK 69%)
JAZZ           1.632 (1.122 02/2014)(TOTAL 4.647 2014)
FREED           518 (  474 02/2014) (TOTAL 1.423 2014)
CRV               686                          (TOTAL 2.545 2014)
BRIO              425                          (TOTAL 4.783 2014)
NEW BRIO    266                          (TOTAL 3.508 2014)
ODISSEY       155                          (TOTAL    387 2014)
CIVIC             101 (    62 02/2014)(TOTAL    235 2014)
ACCORD         58                          (TOTAL    142 2014)
CRZ                  31                          (TOTAL      66 2014)

TOTAL     14.529

Selasa, 01 April 2014

JAKARTA - Banting Harga MPV "Sejuta Umat"


Banting Harga MPV "Sejuta Umat"

Penulis: Febri Ardani Saragih | Rabu, 02 April 2014 | 07:40 WIB

 Dibaca: 18801    Komentar: 7
Sumber : - | Author : KompasOtomotif
Para pemain MPV bawah
Jakarta, KompasOtomotif — Di level ritel, salah satu faktor yang menentukan pembelian kendaraan adalah potongan harga alias diskon. Memasuki April 2014, "perang" diskon model MPV sejuta umat sejenis (Avanza, Xenia, Ertiga, Mobilio, Spin, dan Grand Livina) dari masing-masing merek masih terus menggoda calon konsumen.
Semakin tinggi diskon, peluang transaksi semakin besar. Namun, besaran potongan harga tersebut tergantung pada ketetapan kelompokdealer. Keputusannya bisa berbeda di setiap daerah. KompasOtomotif menghimpun data dari berbagai wiraniaga di masing-masing dealer setiap merek. Potongan harga yang disebutkan beragam, tetapi bisa dijadikan gambaran.
Mulai Rp 8,5 juta
Salah satu wiraniaga Avanza dari dealer Toyota di Jakarta Timur menyebutkan, MPV berpenggerak roda belakang itu bisa didapatkan dengan diskon Rp 15-20 juta. Sementara saudara kembarnya, Xenia, di wilayah Tangerang Selatan, bisa mengajukan permohonan diskon hingga angka tertinggi, Rp 16 juta. "Harga Avanza di atas Xenia, itu kenapa diskonnya lebih besar," ujar salah satu sumber dealer Daihatsu, Selasa (1/4/2014).
Khusus untuk Suzuki Ertiga tipe terendah, GA, diberikan diskon maksimal Rp 8,5 juta. Sementara varian menengah GL dan tertinggi GX diganjar diskon Rp 13,5 juta.
Sementara peminat setiap varian Chevrolet Spin produksi 2014 diberikan diskon Rp 5 juta. Sumber KompasOtomotif menuturkan, ketersediaan unit Spin produksi 2013 tersisa sedikit, bila masih ditemukan diskon bisa sampai 15 juta untuk 1.5L bensin dan 1.3L diesel, serta 10 juta buat 1.2L bensin.

Khusus Honda Mobilio, sejak pertama kali diluncurkan, belum ada potongan harga. Bahkan, beberapa dealer menyatakan, konsumen yang ingin mendapatkan unit lebih cepat dari inden perlu mengeluarkan dana tambahan.

Terakhir Nissan All-New Grand Livina. Konsumen masih bisa mendapatkan unit produksi 2013, potongan harga semua tipe menyentuh Rp 22-25 juta. "Sisa unit sangat terbatas, biasanya bekas milik konsumen yang membatalkan pesanan," ujar salah satu sales Nissan Jakarta Selatan. Sementara unit 2014 diskon merata pada seluruh tipe, Rp 9-9,5 juta. 
Berikut daftar harga resmi MPV bawah (Jabodetabek):
All New AvanzaVeloz 1.5 M/T - Rp 192,2 juta
Veloz 1.5 A/T - Rp 203,7 juta
1.5 G M/T - Rp 186,1 juta
1.3 G A/T - Rp 189,8 juta
1.3 G M/T - Rp 179,1 juta
1.3 E M/T - Rp 163, 15 juta
1.3 E A/T - Rp 173,7 juta
Chevrolet Spin
1.2 LS MT - Rp 146.800.000
1.2 LT MT - Rp 160.800.000
1.5 LT MT - Rp 167.800.000
1.5 LTZ MT - Rp 174.800.000
1.5 LTZ AT - Rp 185.000.000
1.3 LT MT - Rp 187.800.000
1.3 LTZ MT - Rp 197.800.000
All New XeniaD MT 1.0 STD - Rp 144,1 juta
M MT 1.0 STD -  Rp 148,1 juta
D MT 1.0 PLUS - Rp 149,9 juta
M MT 1.0 DLX - Rp 158,6 juta
X MT 1.3 STD - Rp 158,7 juta
X MT 1.3 PLUS - Rp 161 juta
R MT 1.3 STD -   Rp 162,7 juta
M MT 1.0 SPORTY – Rp 168,4
R MT 1.3 DLX – Rp 172,7 juta
R MT 1.3 SPORTY – Rp 184,1 juta
R AT 1.3 DLX – Rp 185,6 juta
R MT 1.3 ATTIVO – Rp 188,5 juta
R AT 1.3 SPORTY - Rp 194,2 juta
R AT 1.3 ATTIVO – Rp 198,8 juta
Suzuki Ertiga
GA M/T - Rp 151,3 juta
GL Double Blower M/T - Rp 167,3 juta
GL Double Blower A/T - Rp 178,3 juta
GX Double Blower M/T - Rp 179,3 juta
GX Double Blower A/T – Rp 190,4 juta

Honda Mobilio
S M/T  - Rp 159,5 juta E M/T  - Rp 179 jutaE CVT  - Rp 189,5 juta E CVT Prestige - Rp 198 juta 
Nissan All-New Grand Livina
1.5L SV MT - Rp 183,9 juta
1.5L SV CVT - Rp 195,1 juta
1.5L XV MT - Rp 203,9 juta
1.5L XV CVT - Rp 215,2 juta
1.5L HWS CVT - Rp 228,2 juta
1.5L X-Gear MT (7 penumpang) - Rp 216,1 juta
1.5L X-Gear CVT (7 penumpang) - Rp 230 juta
1.8L X-Gear MT (7 penumpang) - Rp 263,2 juta
1.8L X-Gear AT (7 penumpang) - Rp 274,7 juta
1.5L X-Gear MT (5 penumpang) - Rp 199,95 juta
1.5L X-Gear CVT (5 penumpang) - Rp 211 juta

Editor : Aris F. Harvenda